String Trimmer Vs Lawn Edger

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Gardening tools! we are sure as soon as you hear these two words, string trimmer and lawn edger are two gardening equipment that will pop up in your brain. And they should as these two gardening equipment are some of the most often used to maintain your garden, your backyard’s or front yard’s lawn. Looking into it, there might arise a question of which one should you get. There is no better way to do it than comparing the functions of both of these machines.

In this article we will learn everything you need to know about string trimmer as well as lawn edger. Once you are through with this article, you will be expert on this matter and your garden will have someone expert working on it, i.e. You! let’s hop on to the details, we are excited to tell you all that we have researched on these two equipment, are you excited to know about them too?

What is a string trimmer?

There are so much gardening equipment and one of them that you should always consider getting is a string trimmer. You might be wondering what is a string trimmer, well it is an instrument that helps you cut your lawn however you require, there are so many different unreachable spaces in your lawn that your lawn mower might just not be good enough for it. That’s when the string trimmer walks in. When it comes to making sure all of those unreachable corners are perfectly cut in the same and even way.

There are different types of string trimmers that you can get in the market, depending on your needs and size of the lawn that you want to use it for. When you are trimming your lawn with the help of a string trimmer, it helps you cut an even path while you are using it on your lawn. We have looked into almost every string trimmer available in the market and we can ensure that it is one of the most easy-to-use gardening equipment that you can get to ensure your lawn looks flawless.

What is a string trimmer

Choosing a string trimmer for the first time might become a hectic task as you have never used it before but you never need to worry when you have got us. There are string trimmers that function on gas or oil with a two-stroke engine, and after testing out different string trimmers, we are sure that you can get before mentioned string trimmer for your use without batting an eye. You might also see some varieties when it comes to the shaft of the trimmer usually in the curved or straight pattern but depending on your comfort you can choose the shape of your string trimmer.

Because the string trimmers have a blade cutting through the grass, you might want to take care of safety precautions first before you start trimming your lawn with it because when you forget to take care of the safety there are chances that you might end up meeting with some accident. The blade that it has can easily cut through the skin, so make sure to keep it out of reach of your human and furry kids.

You can get string trimmers that are battery operated, gas operated, electrical cord operated, to be honest it all depends on the size of the lawn that you want to trim and the comfort of yours while you are using the string trimmer. Most of the time battery operated trimmers costs you a big deal whereas you can find some brands for corded and gas-operated trimmers which sells it at pocket-friendly price.

Now, let us look at the advantages and disadvantages of the string trimmer so comparing it with the lawn edger becomes easy.

Advantages of using a string trimmer

There are certain advantages of using a string trimmer for the bushes or lawn in your garden, it not only helps you trim the lawn but with proper safety and care you can even use it to trim trees and bushes.

  • Let us start telling you about the advantages of string trimmer that using them is completely easy. who has time to cut all that bushes and lawn manually these days and god forbid if you have one of those large bushes that covers your entire yard, it will take forever for you to set it with a scissor, and can we also mention how there will be no guarantee that whatever you trim with it will turn out to be exactly how you were hoping it would.
  • Anyone can use it, no really! string trimmers does not weigh much and even if you have elderly in your house who just won’t stop working on the hobby for gardening, this might come in pretty handy. Because of its lightweight, you will not feel tired after you are done using it.
  • There are some gardening equipment which will literally give you a head ache or might emit a toxic gas while you are using it, it will end up giving you and your neighbour some irritating time to endure but string trimmers are quite environment friendly. So you can rest easy about bothering your neighbours or yourself whenever you want to use it.
  • What we like the best about string trimmers is that it requires very less maintenance, who wouldn’t love that! an equipment you don’t have to spend time taking care of is always a good purchase and we are sure the list of the advantages of using a string trimmer will go on including making your lawn look perfect and greener. That should be all to convince you how good a string trimmer is.

Disadvantages of using a string trimmer?

Like all the other good things string trimmer also has disadvantages. Let’s get to know them,

  • If you are getting the trimmer to ensure that large area of your backyard is covered for trimming then you might be making a wrong decision. String trimmers are not suitable for the large areas, it might tire you and it will also take forever for you to trim the lawn or weeds in your garden with it.
  • Looking into different types of string trimmers, it is noticed that string trimmers which are operated on the fuel tend to be much more noisy and you will get tired of that noise when you are trying to make your lawn look perfect.
  • According to the name its given this kind of trimmers have strings which might break after some period of it being used. Once the string breaks, getting them replaced might cause you more expenses to replace it which is not worth it.
  • If you will look for a string trimmer that can last you for a long time, the biggest setback is that the ones that are long-lasting and durable will be heavier, which will cause you trouble when it comes to picking up and using the string trimmer.

There are multiple setbacks when you are getting a string trimmer, but let us not forget that there are many advantages of the same as well.

Now that we have looked into almost everything you need to know about string trimmers, let us get to know about lawn edgers and lastly, we will compare them both and see the difference and similarities between both of them.

What is a lawn edger?

Among many great gardening equipments, one of the equipment that you can use apart from a string trimmer is a lawn edger. It is also one of the equipment which is extremely easy to use. Although it is almost as same as the lawn edger there are certain differences that you will see in this equipment. First of all you must be wondering what actually is a lawn edger, what lawn edger does it that it helps you get the perfect lawn that has the perfect shape so that when you have mowed your lawn, the edges of the lawn also look just as perfect.

Lawn edgers have a vertical blade which helps you cut the lawn from the edges in order to get you your perfect lawn edges. It will be a shame if you have lawn that is perfectly mowed and in shape but the corners and the edge of the lawn is a mess. Lawn edger helps you get the perfect edges to your lawn.

What is a lawn edger

There are different types of lawn edgers that you can get to get that perfect lawn, but when it comes to choosing one of them you will have to know a bit about them. One of them among is a manual lawn edger which you can operate by manually rolling it on the edges. It is quite easy to use and it is perfectly ideal for your if you have a small edges that you want to trim. There are also the lawn edgers that are operated on the motor, which is pretty ideal for professionals and people who have a large area to put an edge to that lawn.  There are still many different kinds of different lawn edgers that you can get depending on your needs.

There are still so many benefits you get by trimming the edges of your lawn with it, you will not know how to compare between lawn edgers and string trimmers if you do not know the advantages and disadvantages of both. You have already seen the advantages and disadvantages of string trimmer, now let us get to know the advantages and disadvantages of the lawn edger.

Advantages of using a lawn edger

  • The lawn edger gives your lawn a look that is perfectly shaped and manicured, other than that it will give you a look to your lawn that makes it look cleaner.
  • After looking into the lawn edgers, we have also noticed that working with lawn edgers is clearly extremely easy and even if you do not have a prior experience using any garden equipment, using this one will definitely not be a hassle.
  • You can also use your lawn edger to ensure that any lawns or weeds does not enter the area of your flowerbeds. When you are using a lawn edger you can easily trim any areas of your garden that you want to trim to get the best result that you want to get in maintaining your garden and the flowerbeds in them. If the weeds and lawns’ roots grows into the roots of your flowerbed and might just ruin your flowers.

There are many other advantages in that you would get to know once you use them, but as for in treat we have a list of more advantages for you to go through them.

Other advantages: 

  1. As a sort of level of finish to all sort of landforms.
  2. It saves a lot of time.
  3. It reaches out to any hard spaces and creates a root barrier or a basic patrician so that the lawn can be separated if needed.
  4. It creates some sort of volume while being used on a landscaped lawn.
  5. It gets rid of any scrappy grass and made the whole land look graceful.
  6. Prevent weed growth.
  7. Gets rid of uneven lawns.
  8. It is affordable
  9. It is durable
  10. Gives a good, neat, and amazing look to the gardens.

Disadvantages of using a lawn edger

There were many advantages of the lawn edger but there are also some disadvantages of lawn edger as well. After testing out different lawn edgers and doing our research we have prepared a list of some disadvantages for you to know.

  • If you are getting an edger that is operated manually, you will face a setback when it comes to using it in a large garden or lawn area. Using a manual edger on it will take forever for you to be done with refining the edges of the lawn.
  • There are wheels that help you guide your lawn edger through the lawn, but if there is any rocks or uneven soil beneath the lawn, you will not be able to get the finest results that you want to get.
  • All-in-all, we have learnt that compared to many other products which are used for lawn trimming, lawn edgers are more costly and it gives the best result but if you are not open to spend some good amount of money on good lawn edger, this choice of equipment might not be for you.
  • Lawn edgers, however costly or long lasting they are, they may get damaged easily as it has a vertical blade that cuts the lawn, even a small rock sometimes causes the blade the damage you never expected out of it. In addition to that, it will cost you some extra bucks to get the blade replaced. There is also one more thing that you will have to take care of and that is the maintenance of the lawn edger, there are chances of it getting damaged if you haven’t stored or cleaned it properly.
  • There are also certain setbacks of the lawn edger depending on the type of lawn edger that you are using, for example, gas-operated lawn edgers emits toxic gas which might be hazardous to your health.

String trimmer Vs lawn edger?

Now that you have learned everything you need to learn about string trimmers and lawn edger, it is time that we learn the similarities and differences between them both. Although, both of them serve a similar purpose of helping you trim the lawn but the major difference among them is that string trimmer helps you trim the lawn and bushes whereas lawn edgers helps you trim the fine edges of the lawn on your pavement and highlight the edges of your flowerbeds. let us learn in detail about them both,

  • Basically, lawn edgers are supposed to cut the edges of the lawn and the string trimmers are supposed to trim the lawn.
  • If you have an issue of overgrown and overhanging grass on your lawn, you might want to use the string trimmers and if you want to make sure that your walkway or the edges of the pavement on your house is neat and clean you would want to use the lawn edger.
  • Comparing the both of the equipment, it is seen that string trimmers are one of the more preferred purchased as they have a good flexibility to help you cut off the grass where even the lawn edger cannot reach because of its vertical blade placement.
  • More difference that you will see among both of these pieces of equipment is that how they are operated and how they are maintained, compared to the string trimmers, lawn edgers are more delicate and might be hard to manage.
  • Depending on the different types of edgers and trimmers, you will have to ensure that you are taking enough care of them as they both are similar but they are both used for different kind of functions, you would want to ensure why do you want to get a string trimmer or a lawn edger.

There are still many differences between these two, you will learn more about it by knowing how you can choose among these both and what factors affects your choice, let’s see.

How to know what is best for your lawn string trimmer or lawn edger?

Depending on the different soil and the requirement of the trimming of the lawn, you might want to choose one equipment among these two. We will get to know the factors that affects your choice and which will also help you decide which equipment you should purchase.

What is best for your lawn string trimmer or lawn edger

Condition of your lawn- It is important to know the kind of lawn that you have and what is the purpose of your purchase, whether you want to cut the lawn so that you can have an even lawn or there is an overgrown patch that you need to clear out of your pavement. Based on that there are chances that you’ll figure out whether you need a string trimmer or lawn edger. If you want to even your lawn, you can get a string trimmer and if you want to clear the pavement, you need a lawn edger.

Your budget- The budget that you have for getting equipment is one of the important factors that affects your choice of purchase. Although both of the equipment serve difference purpose, you can still figure out what is the main purpose of your getting the equipment and choose the one that meets your budget and requirement.

Type of operation- After you decide everything, you will have to decide whether you want to purchase a manual string trimmer or lawn edger or the ones that operates on gas or battery. There are certain criteria that will help you to decide which kind you should get. You will have to check whether you have large area to cover or a small part of lawn that you want to trim. You will have to know the kind of lawn that you have whether it is too hard or soft, your choice of purchase also depends on that.

Choosing one piece of equipment from these two is not a rocket-science, you will not have to worry about making a wrong decision if you have already gone through all the points in the article.


There are so many pieces of gardening equipment you can use to manage your lawn but most of the time, so many of gardeners prefer to have a lawn edger or a string trimmer as they are much easy to deal with compared to the other equipment. We have researched on almost every equipment that you can get for your lawn maintenance but these two always topped the list. Whether you get a string trimmer or lawn edger, the trick to have a pretty lawn is that you have to maintain it on regular basis.

We hope that this article helps you choose the right one for your among these two and help you make your lawn, as well as the yard, look pretty as it can ever be.

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